Avoid These Top 10 Building Project Mistakes

common building project mistakes

Making sure your building project is successful is essential for so many reasons. Raceo Builders, an experienced general contractor in Sioux Falls, has been a business for a while and we've seen our share of blunders, we'd like to share some common pitfalls we've seen! 


1. Not doing your research

When it comes to construction, there is no such thing as too much research. You need to know what you want, what your budget is, and what kind of contractor you want to hire. Otherwise, you could end up spending more money than you intended or getting a subpar product.


2. Hiring the first contractor you find

Just because a contractor is available doesn’t mean they’re the right fit for your project. Make sure to interview multiple contractors before making your final decision. Ask for references and look at their portfolio of past work to get an idea of their quality.


3. Not having a clear vision

If you don’t know what you want, your contractor won’t either. Have a clear vision for your project before you start construction. This will help your contractor understand your expectations and ensure that they are met.

4. Not being involved in the construction process

Obviously, a building project is a huge investment, so you should be involved in the process where it makes sense! Your time is important, and finding a general contractor who is transparent and trustworthy is worthwhile. This way, you can make sure that everything is going according to plan and that you’re happy with the progress.

5. Trying to do it all yourself

Construction is a complex process, and there’s a reason why general contractors are trained professionals. Trying to do it all yourself will likely result in costly mistakes. Save yourself the headache and leave it to the experts. See our blog on why you should hire a general contractor!


6. Cutting corners

When it comes to construction, you get what you pay for. Using cheap materials or hiring a subpar contractor will only lead to problems down the road. It’s important to invest in quality materials and contractors so that your construction project is built to last.


7. Not having a contingency plan

Construction projects are complex and don't always go exactly as planned. There are always unforeseen problems that arise, so it’s important to have a contingency plan in place. This way, you can budget for the unexpected and avoid going over budget or timeframes.


8. Not staying organized

The amount of moving parts in any scale building project is large, and it’s important to stay organized throughout the process. This way, you can avoid making mistakes or forgetting important details. Make sure to keep track of your budget, schedule, and materials so that everything stays on track. If you have an experienced contractor out of the gate they'll certainly help!


9. Waiting until the last minute

Building projects take time, and rushing through the process will only lead to problems. Make sure to start planning your project well in advance so that you have plenty of time to do it right. On top of this, material shortages can make it worse.


10. Not being realistic

Construction is a huge investment, and it’s important to be realistic about what you can afford. Don’t try to build something that’s beyond your budget—it will only lead to financial problems down the road.


By avoiding these common mistakes, you can set your construction project up for success. Raceo Builders has been in the business for a while and we know what it takes to make a construction project successful. Contact us today and get off on the right foot!